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Kaufmann, P., J.M. Howie, E. Immonen. 2023. Sexually antagonistic selection maintains genetic variance when sexual dimorphism evolves. Proceedings. Biological sciences .
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Koppik, M., J. Baur, D. Berger. 2023. Increased male investment in sperm competition results in reduced maintenance of gametes. PLoS biology e3002049.
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Arnqvist, G., J. Ronn, C. Watson, J. Goenaga, E. Immonen. 2022. Concerted evolution of metabolic rate, economics of mating, ecology, and pace of life across seed beetles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 119:e2205564119.
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Kaufmann, P., M.E. Wolak, A. Husby, E. Immonen. 2021. Rapid evolution of sexual size dimorphism facilitated by Y-linked genetic variance. Nature ecology & evolution .
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Ivimey-Cook, E., S. Bricout, V. Candela, A.A. Maklakov, E.C. Berg. 2021. Inbreeding reduces fitness of seed beetles under thermal stress. Journal of evolutionary biology .
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